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Showing posts from April, 2019

Is breakfast really the most important meal?!

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was first used for commercial purposes in the mid 19th century to sell newly invented breakfast cereal food stuffs. However, researchers found out that breakfast meal can affect humans physically and mentally. Breakfast immediately raises the energy level of the body, increasing vigor and vitality. It reduces blood cortisol levels and helps control appetite, which over the long-term, can significantly impact on body composition. Breakfast also increases cognitive function and the ability to concentrate. A team of researchers of Cardiff University in Wales, Britain found that those who regularly had breakfast performed better than their peers who skipped that meal. Nutritionists say the body needs a strong energy booster in the morning to fully wake up from its night-time break. “People who leave the house without eating anything in the morning tend to have trouble focusing,” says Harald Seitz, of the Germ...